Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Blog Post 8

What can we learn about Teaching and Learning from Randy Paunch?

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was a truly unforgettable video! This man is so inspirational in so many ways! It takes a really strong person to be so positive when given the devastating news that Randy was given. If I was given the news that I only has months to live I would the most negative person on this earth, but Randy strives to be more and that is truly inspiring. Randy's attitude towards life is something I personally want to strive for. There were so many great points made in this video but the one that stood out to me was about following your dreams. That has always been and continues to be a personal goal for me because I believe that if your not following your dreams that what are you striving towards in life?

Another great point made in this video is that as a teacher is is important to find greatness within your students. each and everyone of your students has their own strengths and weaknesses and its a teachers to learn these and showcase them in a positive way. Figuring out students strengths and weaknesses can eventually help teachers figure out who they are as learners. Good ways to do this are to use project based learning and incorporating technology into lesson plans. Making learning fun for students will put them on the path to becoming very successful and that all starts with the teachers' positivity and need to know one's own class personally and educationally.

I will always keep Randy's words and story in my mind because he not only gives great advice and insight about being a teacher but because he is truly an amazing and inspiring man!  

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