Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post 10

What Can We Learn from Mrs. Cassidy?

In the videos Interview 1 , Interview 2Interview 3 with Kathy Cassidy, questions and concerns about integrating technology into the classrooms was answered and resolved. In the videos Mrs. Cassidy provided many useful techniques about using technology in the classroom. Also in the videos Mrs. Cassidy stated many obstacles that teachers may face when technology is integrated into the classroom. One major obstacle that stood out to me was how hard it is to get parental consent when allowing students to post on blogs. Many parents have concerns when it comes to their kids names, pictures etc... being broadcast throughout the internet, especially when teachers require students to comment and post things on blogs weekly. Mrs. Cassidy eases their minds by reassuring that she does  not allow students to post their names or any related pictures. Although there are always going to be obstacles that teachers will face when it comes to integrating technology in the classroom, Mrs. Cassidy aslo pointed out that their will be many advantages too. One advantage that stood out to me is when students create a blog their personal learning networks are continuously growing and maturing. Also another thing that was said in Mrs. Cassidy's video that stood out to me was the guidelines she has for her students blogs. She enforces collaboration, safety and also the importance of being a digital person. Meaning basically to be a nice and understanding person when commenting on other students posts. I thought that was a really great concept to have because it can eventually decrease the amount of bullying going on online. Overall I really enjoyed learning from Mrs. Cassidy and I found her approach to technology based classrooms to be very interesting!

C4K- March Summary

Hector's Blog Post Yaya Toure:
I am influenced by Yaya Toure. He is an Ivorian soccer player who plays as a midfielder for Manchester City. One of the best midfielders out there in EPL (English Premier League). The way he plays is outstanding! I am influenced by his great skills and respect towards other players. Every time he is on the pitch he makes a good difference for his team every time. Yaya Toure is known for being in wealthy and popular clubs such as Barcelona and Manchester City. This Legend has scored many spectacular goals but mostly of his tactics and positioning are what makes him who he is. In respect to black history month id like to thank Yaya Toure for his amazing skills on and off the pitch that make fans all around the world look up to him. Happy Black History Month!

My comment: 
Hi Hector, my name is Allie Brooks and I am a student at the University of South Alabama! Like you, I am required to create a blog and write posts each week for one of my classes! (EDM 310) This blog post was very interesting and very well written! I love reading posts from other students about who inspires them! Yaya Toure seems like a very inspiring man on and off the field and is a great role model! Great Post!

Michael's Blog Post Standardized Test: PLAN:
In this blog Michael describes the standardized test PLAN! He explains some great pointers to get future students through the test! He also gave some great advice in how to prepare ant future students for the test!

My Comment: 
Hi Michael, my name is Allie Brooks and I am a student at the University of South Alabama! This was a very informative post about the PLAN test! I have never heard of this test because I graduated from a very small high school so we were not required to take any tests before we could graduate! This posts can really help any students in the future who may have to take the PLAN test! Awesome Post!

Pedro's Blog Post Should Guns Be Banned?
In recent discussions of should guns be banned in America, a controversial issue has been whether guns should be banned or guns should remain in America. On the one hand, some argue that guns are bad and useless. From this perspective, some say that guns kill people. On the other hand, however, others argue that guns don’t kill people and are used for other things then just self-defense. In the words of one of this views main supporter, “police abandoned entire neighborhoods. Live TV broadcasts showed hoodlums burning homes and businesses, and dragging innocent motorists from their cars — beating and killing them. The police did nothing to protect them. The only thing that prevented entire communities from being burned to the ground were community residents barricading their streets and using their guns to protect their homes and families.” (Kopel 1). According to this view, guns are useful to people to protect them self’s. In sum, then, the issue is whether guns should be banned in America or stay in America for self-defense or other things. My own view is that guns should not be banned. Though I concede that some people see guns as a bad thing, I still maintain that guns are not bad the person who did the crime with the gun is. For example guns can protect you and your love ones. Although some might object that guns should be used for self-defense, I reply that some people with guns do take a bad move with the guns. The issue is important because a lot of people use guns to have fun, self-defense, and hunting also some might lose their jobs at a gun store or anything dealing with guns.

My Comment: 
Hi Pedro! I commented last week on your blog post about the PLAN test and how one could be prepared for it and it was a great post! This was also a great post! This topic seems to becoming a lot more controversial and there are many different opinions about banning guns in America and I have to say that I agree with you. I do not believe America should have to give up their right to the second amendment, which is the right to bear arms. As long as the people of America stay safe and use caution when using and carrying a gun I think they can be very useful! Interesting post!

Lauren M's Blog Post Chicken Minis
Chicken Minis are my favorite food. It is like tasting Heaven in a single bite. I consider them a separate food group. Though, I don’t like how Chick-fil-a does not serve them all day long. I got a platter yesterday that had forty minis on one tray! It was a good day… I want to learn how to make them myself. Whoever invented them were good people.

My Comment:
 Hi Lauren, My name is Allie Brooks and I am a student at the University of South Alabama! Like you, I am required to create a blog and write posts on it each week! I have never been much of a chicken eater but because you talk so highly of these Chicken Minis I am going to have to try these! The way you describe them, I just have to! ha! Great Post!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Video Book Conversation- Project #9

Blog Post 9

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?

The blog post we were required to write this week a very interesting assignment to write. This post gave more insight into Project Based Learning and how it helps students learn and create new things. This weeks assignment has shed some light on some very interesting ideas and also what I would like in my future classroom. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this blog post because I am constantly learning new things that will only help me get better with technology and become a the best teacher I can be.

In the article Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning the seven essentials are: a need to know, a driving question, student voice and choice, 21st century skills, inquiry and innovation, feedback and revision, and publicly presented product. A teacher can activate a student's need to know content by having a project with an entry event. The beautiful thing about an entry event it that it can be almost anything. Some examples are a video, a discussion, a guest speaker, or a field trip. An important part of project based learning is to make sure you have a driving question.  The driving question is one of the most important parts of PBL.

In the video Project Based Learning for Teachers  it explains the ideas of Project Based Learning and all of the many aspects it provides for teachers and students. In my opinion the most important aspect that PBL provides are the advantages of learning for students. Students are finding new remarkable ways to learn using Project Based Learning everyday! This video also explains the useful skills that students can gain by using PBL such as: collaboration skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, and also career and life skills. One point that really stood out to me what that PBL is a technology that reminds us to think critically as it being a tool for questioning, investigating, sharing, and reflecting. The major role for educators is to give the students the motivation and opportunity to learn, and PBL offers that.

In the video Two Students Solve the Problem of Watery Ketchup by Designing A New Cap two students designed a better solution for ketchup caps. They brainstormed ideas for a better cap. They designed the caps on the computer, they found the cap project to be fun. They said you can't design ketchup caps in a normal class.

What Motivates Students? multiple students answered what motivates them. One student said she wanted to feed her family and have a good house, this is what motivates her. Another student said he wanted to be a business man and in order to do this he has to get good grades. One little boy said he would be grounded if he didn't do good in school.  Some students said they love it when teachers give them candy when they succeed. Another little boy said he would like notebooks from his teacher. One teacher does music Monday, she allows the students to dance around the classroom.

The video Wing Project: Crafting a Driving Question taught me how to better draft a driving question. How can we create a better wing structure ? The teachers in this video explained that you would have to take in the dimensions. The engineers explained that wing designing has to deal with loads carried. One of the teachers said, " A good driving question sets up a process of inquiry, students are interested in, and guides them toward how they are going to do the work they will have to produce."

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Blog Post 8

What can we learn about Teaching and Learning from Randy Paunch?

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was a truly unforgettable video! This man is so inspirational in so many ways! It takes a really strong person to be so positive when given the devastating news that Randy was given. If I was given the news that I only has months to live I would the most negative person on this earth, but Randy strives to be more and that is truly inspiring. Randy's attitude towards life is something I personally want to strive for. There were so many great points made in this video but the one that stood out to me was about following your dreams. That has always been and continues to be a personal goal for me because I believe that if your not following your dreams that what are you striving towards in life?

Another great point made in this video is that as a teacher is is important to find greatness within your students. each and everyone of your students has their own strengths and weaknesses and its a teachers to learn these and showcase them in a positive way. Figuring out students strengths and weaknesses can eventually help teachers figure out who they are as learners. Good ways to do this are to use project based learning and incorporating technology into lesson plans. Making learning fun for students will put them on the path to becoming very successful and that all starts with the teachers' positivity and need to know one's own class personally and educationally.

I will always keep Randy's words and story in my mind because he not only gives great advice and insight about being a teacher but because he is truly an amazing and inspiring man!  

C4T #2- Post 2

In the Blend My Learning blog this week, the book Go Blended: A Handbook for Blending Technology in Schools by Liz Arney was advertised and introduced. The author Liz Arney, is the Director of Innovative Learning at Aspire Public Schools has just launched the book and it has gotten great buzz so far! The book is about blending technology into schools and some of the best ways to go about it especially for teachers. 

Hi! My name is Allie Brooks and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am currently enrolled in the EDM 310 class which involves me creating a blog and writing posts continually throughout the year. This week I was given the privilege of monitoring your blog and commenting on a recent post. I come from a more traditional teaching background so all the new technology being added into the schools is quite scary for me. I am gradually getting used to the idea of blended classrooms when it comes time for me to be a teacher! I am so glad that you posted this blog post because I will definitely have to read this book especially if it gives insight to blended classrooms. I think blended classrooms is a very interesting idea and I can’t wait to use this book to find out more information regarding it! Thank you! 

In blog post How to Avoid Post- REVIVAL Stress Disorder (PRSD) I learned about Post-Revival Stress Disorder and how to avoid it! This post was very interesting and told a lot of insight into Post-Revival Stress Disorder! Definitely a great read! 

Hi, my name is Allie Brooks and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am currently enrolled in the EDM 310 class and we are assigned a blog that we have to read and post on weekly and fortunately I was assigned this one! I commented last week on the blog post about Liz Arney’s new book Go Blended and was really impressed with the book! This week’s blog post was very interesting and very well written! Thank you for an amazing post! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Blog Post 7

How Do We All Become Learners?

List your strengths and weaknesses What do you have to do in the next year and a half (or the time before you graduate) to get ready to be a teacher using project based approaches to learning in situations where students have have the tools they need to participate effectively in such instruction? 

My Strengths: Great with Microsoft Office, Familiar with PC, patience with children, classroom adaptations
My Weaknesses: becoming more technological savvy, using PBL, adapting to new student learning, using educational applications for tablets and iPads

I have a year and a half to mentally prepare myself for becoming a teacher in a world that is on the track to becoming technologically advanced.  I don't think there is a way to really prepare yourself but to actually get out and start getting the experience you need as a teacher. I have strengths but I also have weaknesses as do all upcoming teachers. I believe that if I try hard to make learning a fun experience for my students and balance the right amount of technology and lecture into my lessons I can become a successful teacher.

We All Become Learners 
This video was very interesting to watch! Every time I watch these videos that inquire some insight into Project Based Learning, I gain not only a new likeness, but also a new sense of respect for it as well. I found it very interesting when Michele made the point about the student in Kindergarten teaching her how to use an app! It is amazing what children are learning and actually teaching adults these days and technology is making that happen. Technology is allowing students minds to grow in so many ways. Integrating technology in the classroom not only allows children to become more educated in using the actual technology but to use the technology to become more educated in what they are required to learn in school. We are already seeing children who are teaching the teachers how to do things they aren't familiar with, so I cannot wait to see what the students can conquer and achieve in the upcoming future.

iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten Classroom
Watching this video was so encouraging! I love to see children especially at the Kindergarten age, so eager to research and learn new things. I have heard about the Alabama Virtual Library through school and was pleased to know that Alabama offers such interesting resources for students to use! I find it very interesting that students are wanting to do research and learn new things all on their own! Once they learn things and grasp that knowledge they should have the resources to learn more and more and research what they want to know, and the Alabama Virtual Library encourages and allows that to happen! I think it is amazing to see research start at such a young age and would welcome any student that would like to show me how to correctly use any technology in the classroom! ha!

iPads in the Classroom
I have always been skeptical of having technology in my classroom when I become a teacher because I was not necessarily raised on technology but this video was really important to watch for me because it helped to ease my mind about technology in the classroom. After watching this video, the more I learn about iPads in the classroom and how they can help to broaden a students learning, the more I am in favor of them. It is very important that I learn as much as possible about technology in the classroom because in just a few short years students will begin to know more about technology than teachers will so its very important that we as teachers learn to adapt with our students. iPads and other uses of technology allow both teachers and students to go beyond what a textbook and lecture can teach and if these technologies help students learn more efficiently and can broaden their learning, I'm all for it!

10 Reasons to Use Technology in the Classroom.
This was another great video for skeptics to watch. This video could really end up eventually changing the minds of skeptics about technology in the classroom. I found the system AmpliVox to be very interesting because I've never heard of it and it seems like a very helpful tool to have in the classroom. When I was observing in the classroom last semester, some of the teachers were complaining about losing their voices on and off throughout the semester because of having to speak loudly. AmpliVox could really come in handy for them because it could help broadcast their voice without having the straining effect on the voice. I would definitely be interested in having this tool in my classroom! The main point though of this video is that technology is not only an awesome source for student learning but it can also eventually save money. Technology can cut paper, notebooks, binders, and calculators expenses by a lot and I think once people start realizing this, they will too be on board with technology in the classroom.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

C4K Summary (February),d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNER5qlMeHxFlnY7zZSaDha1ErZKfg&ust=1425354236074849

Blog Post 1.

 In Kayleigh W's recent blog post from Mr. Boylen's 7th grade lit class, she summarizes the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. I was impressed with summary she wrote for the book. The summary wentinto great detail and and it only took her one paragraph to write about the characters and book. Although it was a great summary, there were some spelling mistakes. Overall look and creativity of the blog post was great! 

I commented on Kayleigh's blog post and informed her who I was and where I'm from and that I am also writing a blog for one of my classes at school, so that was cool! I wrote in my comment how impressed I was with her ability to write a book summary in just one paragraph. I also informed her that I actually read this book when I was in the 9th grade and the fact that she is reading it at the 7th grade is amazing.  There were a few spelling mistakes that I located in the blog but I told her it is okay that I'm in college and I still spell things wrong. I also mentioned that she made a very good point at the end of her post when she said that the book shows that "there is adventure out there". I told her that this is a very true statement and that I hope she keeps reading and experiencing the adventures of the world. 

Blog Post 2. 

In Mikayla R's recent blog post from Mr. Boylen's 8th grade class, she explains her love for reading. In Mikayal's blog she tells us that she reads everywhere all the time! She explains that reading for her is an escape from the real world. Mikayla likes reading science fiction and also a little fantasy. In her blog, Mikayla also mentioned that she started really enjoying reading when she was in the 6th grade and ever since then has read 50 books! She also states that she wishes other people will find reading as enjoyable as she does one day!  

In my comment to Mikayla's post I informed her who I was and where I was from. I also informed Mikayla that I too share her love for reading. Mikayla's blog post was interesting to read because it was very detailed and informative and shed some light to who she is as a reader. I mentioned in my comment that I agreed with her statement about reading being an escape from the real world because it is for me as well. I stated in my comment that I was really fascinated that Mikayla loves reading so much at a young age! I also wrote that I was very proud of her for reading 50 books since she started reading in the 6th grade! I wished her luck with reading and expressed how much I hope she continues to love reading as she grows older. 

Blog Post 3. 

This week I had the privilege of reading Ava's blog post The President Has Been Shot . Ava's wrote about John F. Kennedy's assassination and how it affected his family. In her writing she included step by step descriptive details of how the shooting of JFK happened and also included other incidents that happened after the shooting. Ava also mentioned that she thought the shooting was very sad and scary. In my comment to Ava I mentioned exactly who I was and where I was from. I wrote that her writing was very informative and descriptive and that I agreed with her comment about the shooting being very sad and scary. I was overall very impressed with Ava's post and writing style! This was a great post!

Blog Post 4. 

This week I commented on Kayleigh W's blog post about the book American Sniper. In her post she explained exactly what the book was about! She also explained that she really enjoyed the book because it gave insight to what it takes to be a sniper. I really enjoyed reading Kayleigh's post because it was interesting and very well written. In my comment to Kayleigh I mentioned how I had been following her blog posts and how this one was my favorite! I told her that I enjoyed the movie American Sniper so I would definitely have to check out the book after reading her post! I mentioned to Kayleigh that her post was very well written and I really enjoyed it! 

Blog Post 6

What did you learn from these conversations with Anthony Capps?

Project Based Learning Part 1

This video was a great introduction into exactly what Project Based Learning is and what it does. I am new to the idea of project based learning but after watching this video I am so intrigued. It is a very interesting idea that gets children involved with the standards that they are required to learn every school year by using the projects that teachers create. I also found it interesting what Mr. Capps said about about how he is always learning from his students. I agree with this because most teachers approach the idea of teaching thinking they know everything about anything and that it not correct. Teachers are constantly learning new things from students everyday. I can only hope that when I become a teacher that I can learn all there is to know from my students.

Project Based Learning Part 2

The conversation between Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange in this video was very interesting. Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange makes a great point when they said never limit a students learning. I agree with this statement because when a teacher begins to limit a student's learning, it begins to limit there their imagination and creativity. I find it even more interesting that Mr. Capps 3rd graders are so involved with projects. There are always going to be positive and negative reactions when it comes to doing new things especially when it comes to learning but I can tell that with Project Based Learning there are many more positive reactions rather than negative. I also agree with the statement made by Mr. Capps that when students are engaged they are learning. In my opinion it is our jobs as educators to make learning fun and interesting for the students. Being able to engage my students and allow their creativity and imagination to shine through their learning is a personal goal of mine once I become an educator. Project Based Learning provides students with the confidence that everything they are learning in the classroom is meaningful and I respect that.


I have never heard of iCurio so watching this video was not only interesting but educational as well. As more and more technology is being brought into the classroom, teachers jobs are becoming more and more challenging. It is harder to learn new technology because frankly we did not grow up learning it, so it is harder for us future educators to adapt to virtual learning but iCurio helps out. It's features are really amazing and it was very interesting to me because it is a tool that allows limits to what students are viewing and doing on the internet.

Discovery Education

I have also never heard of this site either so watching this video was interesting and educational as well. I was always never interested in social studies and sciences but I feel that if I was to have had access to this site I would have enjoyed it a lot more. I think that Discovery Education can make both students and teachers more excited to learn and teach social studies and science. I am a firm believer in visual learning. I am a college student and still use visuals to learn. Students all learn in different ways, but visual learning can always be a start and Discovery Education allows students to access that way of learning.

Strange Tips for Teaching Part 1

I always view and accept tips that come from other educators because I believe they can help me to become a great teacher. This video gives great tips and advice that will definitely come in handy once I become a educator. I believe that teachers have to be ready to constantly learn new things. As students are learning so are teachers and because of this I believe that it can in the long run motivate kids to want to learn. If they see their teachers are making a point to learn new things then in return it can motivate them to learn new things and be excited about it. A great tip that Mr. Capps said and that I agree with 100% is that teachers have to make teaching a fun experience for them as well as their students or he or she will be miserable and no child learns from a miserable teacher.

Use Tech Don't Teach It

I think that this video was a very important video to watch. It really helped me see how teaching with technology can make a difference. I learned that the most important thing about teaching with technology is that children need to see how the technology actually works and for them to see that a teacher has to actually use the technology to teach not just talk or lecture about it. Students should see how helpful technology is in school and it is up to the teachers to show them that. It is also as equally important that parents see how technology is helpful in the classroom. Teachers are finding new ways to show parents that technology helps students with homework, projects, and other interesting things in the classroom. This video gives great insight as to how technology can be taught and used in the classroom but one thing really stood out to me that Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange talked about and that is that students should be allowed to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and it is important that teachers explain that to their students. The important thing about making mistakes is that you learn from them. Teachers must teach students that making mistakes is okay as long as you take your mistake and learn from it. Once students learn that, they will remember that for the rest of their lives, and I thought that was a very valid point.

Additional Thoughts About Lessons

In this video Mr. Capps referred to lessons as layers, and I think that is a great point. It is an important idea to grasp as teachers as well, because the ultimate goal when teaching students is that they learn each day in school and continue to build on that learning throughout life which is gradually becoming their "learning layers". Any teacher wants their students to learn but it is more important for the children to want to learn and when they do that, they can continue to build their layers with each school year!